Home Mini Games Card Guard

Card Guard

by Sezgin Güven

Card Guard
Mini Games

Card Guard

Informations about Card Guard bei Boardgamegeek


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Card Guard is a trick-taking game for 3 or 4 people in which players score points by collecting cards with numerical values.

The order of value of the cards is: Ace – King – Queen – Jack – 10 – 9 – 8 – 7. The Ace and the pictures have no point value, but can capture the numerical values.

What do I have to do?
Each player receives the pack of cards of one colour (hearts, diamonds, spades, clubs). At the same time, each player selects two of their cards and places them face up in front of them. All cards with the same pictures or numerical values are removed and placed in a discard pile. The remaining cards go to the player who has the card with the highest value still on display. The captured number cards count as points for the player.

DesignerHarald Mücke
ArtistAnsgar Trecksel
PublisherMücke Spiele
Year Published2023
# of Players3 - 4
Playing Time30
Mfg Suggested Ages8 and up
MechanicDrawing, Hand Management
FamilyAdmin: Upcoming Releases
Primary NameCard Guard

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