Home NewsTaschkent Author: Peer Sylvester

Author: Peer Sylvester

by Sezgin Güven

Peer Sylvester has worked for our publishing company on the following games:

Author of the game


Peer Sylvester (born in 1974) grew up with the games of the year and wanted to become a professional chess player in primary school. Instead, he became a teacher of chemistry and mathematics, which is certainly financially beneficial for his wife and daughter. He did not just want to play, collect and review games, but he also wanted to invent them early on, but he did not succeed. He did not start this really seriously, until during a one-year stay in Bangkok, because of the lack of proper games there. Meanwhile, he hopes for a job as an oil magnate to have enough free time for all the ideas that hover around in his head.
Online he is reachable at www.spielbar.com

Peer Sylvester

2005 Jam Dudel (Buch)
2006 Monochrom
2007 On Q
2007 So spielt die Welt (Buch)
2007 König von Siam
2007 Dubious
2008 Left & Right
2009 Filipino Fruit Market
2010 Discover India (mit Günter Cornett)
2010 Bamogo
2011 Singapore 

Peer Sylvester

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