Home Mini Games Bamboo


by Sezgin Güven

Mini Games


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The samurai train their mental strength by filling columns and/or rows of bamboo sticks with numbers to trigger point scores.

Bamboo is a dice game in which players must first collect symbols to be thrown before they can enter them in the scoring table. If a player succeeds in filling a row or column, then this row is scored by ALL players. The more points are awarded the more different symbols are entered there. But not all rows and columns are scored, so the players have to keep an eye on what the other players are doing.

DesignerHarald Mücke, Martin Schlegel
ArtistAnsgar Trecksel
PublisherMücke Spiele
Year Published2021
# of Players2 - 6
Playing Time60
Mfg Suggested Ages8 and up
MechanicDice Rolling, Paper-and-Pencil
FamilySeries: Mini Games (Mücke Spiele), Theme: Samurai
Primary NameBamboo

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