Target Group
The game is for both multiplayer and casual players. It is a fast card game without great strategic considerations.
Course of Game / Suspense / Complexity
The players have a number of cards on hand, from which they must play a card for each round. Each of these cards has a value, which the player gives up for now. The player is faced with the decision when he will use his two bombs cards to secure the accumulating cards for himself – before another player gets them. The game is thus based on the uncertainty of the players’ moves – as well as the uncertainty as to when the round will end, as determined by the time bomb card. When exactly this is revealed, however, is not exactly foreseeable. Further uncertainty or tactical consideration result from the fact that the remaining card values in your hand count as minus points, so it is NOT a solution to keep the high values in your hand.
The playing time is about 5 minutes per round. You play multiple rounds.
Motivation / Emotions / Psychology
Das Interesse der Spieler ist es natürlich, die Bomben zur richtigen Zeit einzusetzen. Die beschriebene Unsicherheit ist emotional bindend und verlangt Risikobewußtsein sowie taktische Überlegungen. Das Ergebnis ist aber sehr von den Mitspielern abhängig. Die Figur des Bombenlegers hat einen hohen Wiedererkennungswert und kommt sympathisch rüber.
Core Elements / Mechanisms
Essential element of the game is the uncertainty factor (when shall I play what?). It is in the widest sense a game with a can’t-stop mechanism.
Strategy & Randomness
The random aspect is certainly in the cards that the player receives.
Look and Feel
The high-quality playing cards are supported by the sympathetic figure of the bomb bearer.