Here you will find frequently asked questions about the gameplay, the components or other aspects of the game. If your question is not answered here, please contact us at this email address.
What happens, when there are no more wood or food pieces?
There is an unlimited supply wood (discs and logs) and food. Games of Lignum can often be very different and depend on many factors. Should all wood or food pieces be used up, you can replace them by using the amount tokens (3/5) (e.g.: in the food supply, heating storage,…). The replaced pieces can be put back into the general supply.
Can you also construct huts in winter?
Yes. You can construct a hut anytime during your turn and you can use immediately use its advantage then, too.
In a game with two players it can happen that there is no hardwood (only 5 of the 15 placement cards are used). How can you complete tasks in such a game?
Yes, that can happen. Since players gets a bonus at the start of winter though, they can choose to take a hardwood then as their bonus. This allows players to complete at least 2 tasks in a game. If the planned work “Overtime” has been laid out, it is possible to get an additional hardwood through this.
Can you play Lignum without tasks but with planned work?
Yes, of course.
The game offers the best tactical and strategic possibilities though when you play with both extensions (tasks and planned work).
A planned work needs to be paid, when it has been planned by a player. Do you need to pay for every token lying there or for every player (every color)?
You must pay 1 dollar for every token that is lying on the planned work card, even if you placed it there yourself.
When you don’t have enough food supplies or wood for heating in winter, then you must take out a loan card for the missing amount. If that is not enough, then you must sell wood from your mill. Can you sell wood from your mill without taking out a loan card first?
No, you always have to take out a loan card (or 2) first. Only then can you sell as much wood from your mill to cover the costs and to have some more for the next season (- important in the first winter). If you already took out your second loan card before the winter, then you may immediately sell wood from the mill. You cannot have more than 2 loan cards in the game.