Here you will find all the contributions, reviews, videos and information about Manhattan TraffIQ published by external sites, magazines and newspapers.

review at
The game site from the Czech Republic has published a review of the game (in English):

review at
The online portal Reich der Spiele wrote a review about the game. The article is here (in German):
The game site LudoVox from France has published a review of the game (in French):
The following expansions are available for the game Manhattan TraffIQ:

This module adds an exciting tactical decision to the game: Who places when and where the Empire State Building? Thereafter, the confrontation of players intensified, because now is increasingly competed for this location. The expansion “Empire State Building” is recommended to players who love the confrontation.

Dieses Modul erweitert das Spiel um diagonale Straßen. Schon in den beiden Start-Szenarien werden zwei Stadtteilplättchen ausgetauscht, um den Wagen mehr Bewegungsfreiheit für Taxi- und Lieferfahrten zu geben. Die übrigen 7 Plättchen bringen die diagonalen Straßen nach und nach ins Spiel. Über sie lassen sich raffiniertere Züge ausführen, um Konkurrenten im doppelten Sinne aus dem Verkehr zu ziehen. Die Erweiterung „Broadway“ erfordert mehr Übersicht und schafft zusätzliche taktische Möglichkeiten und sei deshalb Spielern empfohlen, die das Element „Herausschlagen konkurrierender Wagen“ stärken wollen.

This module contains the materials for a fifth player and 9 additional city iles. In keeping with the name of the expansion some of the new city tiles sites shows some of the attracted situated on 5th Avenue in Manhattan. There are purposely no new rules or mechanisms contained in this expansion. It does contain a recommendation though how the alternate starting scenario “Central Park” can be setup enlarged.

The 9 city tiles this expansion each allow the additional drawing city tiles when you place them with a ferry line. However, it is a matter of luck to pull these tiles. The special privilege to draw such a tile is countered by the difficulty of placing these tiles so that you can place your own vehicle. The expansion “East River” requires additional tactical decisions, but also increases the luck element somewhat. Further expansions are under development, for example, the “INDUSTRIAL AREAS” with factory buildings, “METRO”with underground connections, “WALL STREET” with speculative bets …