5th Avenue
This module contains the components for a fifth player and 9 additional city tiles. In keeping with the name of the expansion some of the new city tiles show attractions located on 5th Avenue in Manhattan. New rules or mechanisms have purposely been omitted in this extension, but it does contain a recommendation for an alternative starting scenario for “Central Park” with an enlarged initial layout. The expansion “5th Avenue” is recommended for players who want to play “Manhattan TraffIQ” with five players.
Luck: =; Confrontation: =; Strategy and tactics: =
Empire State Building
This module extends the game by an exciting tactical decision: By whom and when and when will the Empire State Building by placed? Thereafter the confrontation of the players is intensified, because now there is increasing competing for this location. Although this expansion consists of only a single piece, which actually only affects the scoring at game end, it clearly changes the game. The expansion “Empire State Building” is recommended for players who love confrontation. However, the frustration factor also increases if you lose the competition. It is not recommended for families with children under the age of 12.
Luck: =; Confrontation: ++; Strategy and tactics: +
This module extends the game with diagonal roads. Two city tiles are already exchanged in the two starting scenarios to give the vehicles more freedom of movement for taxi and delivery trips. The remaining 7 tiles bring the diagonal roads gradually into play. They can be used to perform more sophisticated moves to remove competitors. The extension “Broadway” requires more attention from players and creates additional tactical possibilities, and is therefore recommended players who want to strengthen the element of “removing competing vehicles”. It is not recommended for families with children under the age of 12.
Luck: =; Confrontation: ++; Strategy and tactics: +
East River
The 9 tiles of this expansion allow the additional drawing of a tile when you match a ferry line. However, it is a matter of luck to draw these tiles in the first place. The privilege of drawing another city tile is countered by the difficulty placing these tiles so that you can place your own vehicles. The expansion “East River” requires additional tactical decisions, but also increases the luck element slightly. Direct confrontation is not increased. Therefore, this extension is also recommended for families with children under the age of 12.
Luck: +; Confrontation: =; Strategy and tactics: +
Expansion: Luck Confrontation Strategy and tactics
5th Avenue
Empire State Building
East River
Further expansions are being made.