Home Mini Games En Garde

En Garde

by Sezgin Güven

En Garde
Mini Games

En Garde

Informations about En Garde at Boardgamegeek


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Life is unfair – so is this game…

Each player is 3x attacker (red dice) and 3x defender (blue dice). On the dice there are sword symbols for attack and shield symbols for defence. Blue has more dice than red – yes, unfair…

DesignerHarald Mücke
ArtistAnsgar Trecksel
PublisherMücke Spiele
Year Published2021
# of Players2 - 2
Playing Time30
Mfg Suggested Ages8 and up
MechanicDice Rolling
FamilySeries: Mini Games (Mücke Spiele)
Primary NameEn Garde

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