Home Mücke Spiele Mücke Spiele: Enten & Kultisten

Mücke Spiele: Enten & Kultisten

by Sezgin Güven

Enten & Kultisten
Just for ducks


Informations about Enten & Kultisten at Boardgamegeek


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A cunning dice type game by Ansgar Trecksel for 2-4 players

Description: Players use the dice cup to throw the game bits. There are two types: The ducks and cultists. Depending on how the figures land on the table, the players receive points or lose/win cultists. The first player with 13 points wins the game.

ArtistAnsgar Trecksel
PublisherMücke Spiele
Year Published2019
# of Players2 - 4
Playing Time30
Mfg Suggested Ages8 and up
CategoryDice, Humor
MechanicDice Rolling, Push Your Luck
Primary NameEnten & Kultisten

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