Home Mücke Spiele Mücke Spiele: Lignum

Mücke Spiele: Lignum

by Sezgin Güven
Lignum released 2015 ! (as Crowd-Funding Project) 

Finalist Game Author Competition 2009/2010
Strategy with sustainable material


All informations about Lignum


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Crowdfunding Page at Spieleschmiede

In this complex strategic optimization game about the forestry back in the 19th century, 2-4 entrepreneurs try to optimize their small wood production company starting with just 4 dollars and a mill worker. The goal is to earn more money than the competitors in the following two years. Players must secure the most valuable cuttings areas, organize the work and their workers, buy the proper equipment needed and trade the produced wood at the right time. They also have to prepare for harsh winters int time with sufficient food and wood for heating.

  • for strategy players
  • rules video
  • spare part service
  • FAQ online
  • information on background and development
  • blog and fan rules online

DesignerAlexander Huemer
ArtistChristoph Clasen
PublisherMücke Spiele, Capstone Games
Year Published2015
# of Players2 - 4
User Suggested # of Players Best with 4 players
Recommended with 2, 3, 4 players
(19 voters)
Playing Time120
Mfg Suggested Ages12 and up
User Suggested Ages12 and up
(5 voters)
Language DependenceSome necessary text - easily memorized or small crib sheet
(4 voters)
MechanicAction Queue, Worker Placement
ExpansionLignum: Reserve Expansion, Lignum: Spiele-offensive Exclusives
FamilyContests: Edition Läufer, Crowdfunding: Spieleschmiede
Primary NameLignum

Infos courtesy of boardgamegeek.com. More Infos.

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