Yes, that too. But now for something exciting. For the parasite and the social one interfere powerfully. So powerfully that they immediately lose their ability and then shrink to normal. So the question comes up: wait or use it? A question that is hard to answer. But another question can already be answered: the one according to the nature of the special ability.
The parasite benefits from the others! Each piece of the opposing player in his row counts double. He can quickly speed into the his goal thereby.
The social one is different: She does good! If she goes X steps, a fellow piece of hers may go that far, too.
Now many an Adios Calavera owner might say: “I do not know these pieces at all. They are not mentioned in the rulebook.” And that is correct. Because these super-extra pieces will not be ready until the Essen game fair, if it works out. Tip: simply ask at the stand in hall 3 – K104.
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