At Mücke Spiele we always want to give our games an authentic and thematically interesting background. While in Black Gold that was Spindletop Hill (the place in Texas where the world’s first oil rush took place), in the new game this is Ghawar – the largest oil field in the world.
The oil field is in Saudi Arabia. It is estimated that between 1948 and 2000, 60% to 65% of Saudi Arabia’s oil production came from this one oil field. Current production is estimated at 5 million barrels (1 barrel = 159 liters) per day, which is approximately 6% of world production (~84 million barrels per day).
Ghawar plays an important role in many considerations of global oil reserves because the production maximum has obviously already been reached here.
Ghawar is also based on the material from the game Giants, so it is one of the games from the author competition that we held at in 2008/2009.