The central issue is the size of the oil field and this is also the focus. The game board shows a desert landscape on which numerous drilling platforms are already positioned. The players’ task is now to place their own drilling rigs where there is oil to be produced. It should be noted that oil comes in certain qualities, which are represented in the game by wooden cubes in different colors.
This oil must be transported to the company’s own storage facilities using existing vehicles. However, this requires that you keep an eye on the prices for the different qualities and also note which quality is available in which places. One problem is that your own and other companies’ drilling rigs are placed over the wooden cubes and you can no longer see which quality is stored where.
Basically, you are of course in a competitive situation with your fellow players and have to look to secure the oil reserves quickly and effectively for yourself.
Ghawar is a tactical game suitable for casual players and families. The game is for ages 8 and up, but in a reduced version, children ages 6 and up will also enjoy it.